Which is the Best Choice for Pavement - Paver Blocks or Bitumen Roads?
Oct 05,2023Confusion prevails when you have options to choose from. Pavement is one of the elements that decide the outdoor aesthetic. Bitumen and paver blocks are the go-to options of property developers, factory builders, industrial building campuses and much more.
But, what to choose and which is more efficient? These questions run in your mind until you make a final decision.
Paver Blocks are the best choice that you can rely on. Why? Modern infrastructure and construction methods are the main reason behind it.
Yes! The outdoor pavement plays a role in determining the holistic building elevations. Bitumen roads are the conventional method of pavement design and construction.
Paver blocks have started impacting with their colours and patterns. Let us know what suits you well in this article.
Let’s start with Bitumen.
Bitumen is typically preferred in road construction, such as highways. But it created a niche space in the pavement segment. Specifically, industrial buildings, fleet operating companies, and much more where heavy vehicle movements are greater prefer bitumen roads.
The choice selection is due to the day-to-day usage of national highways and other transportation roadways. Bitumen roads are suitable to use in all seasonal conditions.
The rainy season is the barrier to seamless transportation. Asphalt road has broken the odds of transportation in monsoon.
How? The beauty of bitumen road construction percolates the rainwater, ensuring no water stags after heavy rains.
Bitumen road has to be constructed with a parabolic structure, which dissipates the rainwater to the drainage.
Heavy vehicles transfer high loads. Bitumen roads built with the recommended 200-250mm thickness withstand load transfer and heavy vehicle movement without leading to surface deflection
Let’s know about Paver Blocks
Paver Blocks are the best innovative construction material for humankind. Yes! It has to be recognised as said. Interlocking pavement blocks are in the highest demand for constructing pavements.
Concrete is the primary material for manufacturing paver blocks. Unlike asphalt road, which has a standard black colour, Paver Blocks can be manufactured with the desired colour texture.
Pavement blocks upscale the aesthetics of a building premise to the ultra-new level. As the paver blocks are manufactured in-house, the compressive strength of the blocks can be ensured.
Undoubtedly, pavement blocks can withstand heavy vehicle movements without causing damage or breakage to the blocks.
Braking and friction
In the early stages of Paver Block usage, friction has been the setback of the pavement. Friction is essential when heavy vehicles apply brakes to stop at the desired juncture without drifting or casualties.
It was assumed that bitumen roads offer better friction compared to paver blocks. Every new invention goes with the next stages of upgrades. Likely, the manufacturers have modified paver block manufacturing methods and techniques.
At present, Paver Blocks are manufactured with anti-skid properties. The additional feature pulled people’s attention to prefer paver blocks for pavement.
Anit-skid and patterns enabled the paver blocks to outperform the conventional bitumen road.
“Cost” is the most influential factor of preferences. Paver Blocks are highly cost-effective than Bitumen. When it comes to asphalt road construction, once the road is laid, it is not suitable for reuse.
This is not the case with Interlocking Paver Blocks. Pavement constructed with paver blocks can be reused. Yes! Interlocking is the method of pavement construction.
The blocks are connected without using a permanent mortar. This paved the way for assembling and disassembling blocks.
Rainfall and Maintenance
Periodic maintenance has a direct impact on cost-effectiveness. During heavy rainfall, the chances of developing potholes are very high on the bitumen road.
The water segregation on the Bitumen greatly relies on the pavement construction quality. The chances for water stags are high when the required parabolic angle is not provided. Any damages or potholes require greater maintenance.
Thereby it incurs more cost and time. During hefty rainfall, bitumen roads are water-flooded due to stags. Paver Blocks are highly resistant to rainfall.
The interlocking spaces between the paver blocks enable water percolation. Therefore, there are very minimal chances of water stags and the requirement for maintenance is limited to a great extent.
The life expectancy of a bitumen road ranges from 5 to 8 years. Heavy usage, higher traffic and robust heavy vehicle movements lead to deterioration and deformation. Hence, every five years, the bitumen roads have to be reconstructed.
The life expectancy of paver blocks ranges from 10 to 15 years, which is comparatively greater than asphalt roads.
Paver blocks with compressive strength do not results in surface deformation. Hence, the necessity for reconstruction could be much higher.
Paver Blocks are the best choice for constructing outdoor pavement. Low maintenance, cost-effective, and suitable for parking heavy vehicles leads to choosing paver blocks over bitumen roads. Primarily, interlocking blocks adds aesthetic value to the building with extra beauty. If you are looking for the best Paver Block Manufacturer, Sri Ganapathy Pavers is the industry’s leading manufacturer where you can fulfil your requirements. Please visit https://www.sriganapathypavers.com/ for more information.